- Chief Financial Officer
- International & Public Company Leadership
- Mergers & Acquisitions
- Strategic Planning
- ERP Systems
- Internal Controls & Compliance
- Services, Manufacturing & Distribution
- International Tax, Treasury & Capital Management
- BA - Economics & Business, Hope College, MI
- Management & Leadership Programs, GE & Lockheed Martin
Jeffrey Cook
Broad based experience as a proactive business oriented Chief Financial Officer and key leadership team member for numerous and increasingly diverse businesses. Experience includes 17 years at General Electric, public company board membership, operational management, public company management, mergers & acquisitions, capital structure planning & execution; international tax & treasury, restructurings & turnarounds, and financial governance for multinational organizations.
- Global financial leadership in turnaround of $1.7 billion joint venture in the commercial graphics industry. Converted $58 million annual net loss to gain of $104 million in four years generating $600 million in cash. Completed five successful niche acquisitions.
- Developed and executed intricate international tax restructuring plan saving approximately $10 million in recurring annual tax expense and provided for tax-free repatriation of $300 million in overseas cash. Executed $200 million acquisition and $500 million refinancing and implemented/communicated a shareholder friendly Capital Allocation Plan. Conducted stock buybacks and increased quarterly dividend payout five-fold.
- Key leadership team player and Board member in turnaround of $300 million public company, successfully resolving SEC dispute over prior accounting practices which threatened NASDAQ listing privileges. Fixed Sarbanes Oxley material weaknesses, developed first long term strategic plan, implemented major restructuring and rightsizing, secured new financing facility amid severe economic downturn and struggling bottom-line performance.
- Extensive investor relations experience through investor conference presentations, analyst communications, and meetings with shareholders.
- Successful 17 year career at General Electric, rising from financial trainee to CFO for Government Services business: Promoted to CFO of combined $1.2 billion GE, Lockheed & Martin Marietta services businesses upon GE's divestiture of Aerospace Group (formation of today's Lockheed Martin)