
PRGX Global Inc.
“Paladin Associates was very successful in identifying and driving Indirect Expense cost reductions at PRGX.
Paladin’s business and resource model provides their clients with significant category knowledge, extensive operating experience, rigorous sourcing processes, effective negotiating skills, and state-of-the-art e-Sourcing Technology Platforms that can help companies reduce purchase prices in numerous categories, including: Telecom/Datacom Costs, Transportation and Freight, Office Supplies, Office Equipment and Printing Costs, Travel Services, Airline Tickets, Rental Cars, Hotel Rooms, Facilities Services, Electrical & Gas Energy, Rx Drug Benefits, Employee Relocation Services, Dental and Vision Insurance, Fleet Services, MRO, and Packaging Materials and Supplies.
Paladin’s fees are based on the actual savings that impact operating income so clients have no risk or negative cash flow. Paladin provides expert resources, additional bandwidth, and performs the detailed analysis and sourcing work that can help generate cost reductions more quickly and effectively than most companies can do on their own.
The savings that Paladin generates more than cover their fees and expenses and provide a very high return. This is always a very successful initiative for Companies.”
Chief Strategy Officer
PRGX Global, Inc.
Atlanta, Georgia